Week 10 ~ Applying the Knowledge

I am Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious, & HAPPY!

Yep! I’m affirming that everyday!

So far this week, I am a bit off, and although it will all be ok, I’m just off.  It’s a wee bit hard to remain positive when you’re hurting so bad, BUT.. I’m bringing it!  Today it was a full day of focusing on the positive in my life, and I got lots!!  I know I can get thru this.  I will be well and healed.  No wait!… I am well and feeling Magnificent!

Responsibility.  I have the ability to respond to my situation with positivity.  I don’t let the negative within a rocks throw of me!


 Master Key- Part 10.11

The law is that Thought is an active vital form of dynamic energy which has the power to correlate with its object and bring it out of the invisible substance from which all things are created into the visible or objective world.  This is the law by which, and through which all things come into manifestation; it is the Master Key by which you are admitted into the secret place of the Most High and are “given dominion over all things.”  With an understanding of this law you may “decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee.”

Thought, is the connecting link between the finite and the infinite.

To Quote Mark J;  “Knowledge will not apply itself”  This whole commitment  Conviction, would be for naught, if I don’t totally apply the knowledge I’m gaining from this course. I’m learning to stretch my brain to get all that I can from this.

 I always keep my Promises!

Always with much Aloha🌺💕

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